I call upon the celestial realms, the angelic beings, the planetary guides and protectors, and the ascended ones to bless us and to be present here with us. Continue reading “A Prayer to heal sexual trauma and stop sex trafficking in this world”
I call upon the celestial realms, the angelic beings, the planetary guides and protectors, and the ascended ones to bless us and to be present here with us. Continue reading “A Prayer to heal sexual trauma and stop sex trafficking in this world”
Letter to my inner child
Dear child, I feel your pain, your heartbreak. Literally. I understand your anger. You have a right to be angry. A lot of what happened wasn’t right, fair, good and loving. So it’s ok to feel angry. Continue reading “From Darkness to Light”
I grew up in Hungary during the communist era. My family, my country and my people have suffered a great deal because of this type of oppression but I think the real problem was not the regime, but the fear in people’s mind. Continue reading “The prison of FEAR and how to break free”
for yourself and others.
Holding space became a popular expression. But what does it mean really to hold space?
What kind of space we are holding and how exactly? Continue reading “Holding space”
Definition of the shadow
What most people call the shadow is the unconscious part of ourselves that we do not identify with, that we are in denial of and that we feel separate from. You can think about it as part of your Soul that is fragmented, disconnected from your whole self. Continue reading “What is Shadow work and why is it good for you?”
Have you ever felt pressured to be happy and pretend that everything is fine?
Do you feel like you have to maintain a facade to be loved and accepted? Continue reading “It’s OK not to be OK, you are human”
Communication is so simple yet it can be very complicated, you know what I mean:)))
The same words can mean many different things to different people because we have different definitions based on our unique perspective. Continue reading “7 rules of open and honest communication”
In your natural expression you are whole, there are no boundaries there. Imagine that we are all One on a spiritual, energetic level but on a human, physical, mental, emotional level we are fragmented, traumatized, separated. Continue reading “What’s up with boundaries?”
A lot of people still think that if you go to therapy there is something wrong with you and possibly you are insane. Continue reading “5 Reasons why everybody needs healing”
IMAGINE that you are born with a personalized, unique internal guidance system that is incorruptible, and that is always guiding you to the direction of your dreams and highest good. Continue reading “5 ways INTUITION will change your life!”
Many people ask me what is the dark night of the soul and what to do when you find yourself in it?
The death of the old self Continue reading “5 tips to navigate the Dark Night of the Soul”
If you work with the Ayahuasca you are mostly familiar with the preparation diet and purification before you enter a ceremony and drink this powerful medicine. Continue reading “How can diet support your healing and Ayahuasca Integration?”