
The ups and downs of psychedelic integration can be a lot of navigate!

A couple of days ago one of my clients wisely stated, or more accurately shouted:

This healing is really confusing. Just when you think you made progress, you feel like you’re thrown 10 steps back!

This made me think back to the time when I felt exactly the same way on my journey. I doubted myself. I wasn’t sure if I am on the right path or if I am still totally lost?

Continue reading “5 Tips to navigate the ups and downs of psychedelic integration”

Core beliefs, behavior and psychedelic assisted therapy

You create your reality through your mind, which shapes your core beliefs.

Maybe this seems like a familiar new age concept, but what does it really mean?

Your beliefs, values, and ethics – in other words what you believe in – will determine your actions in life including your behavior. Your actions always have consequences, and they form your life experience, good or bad.

Continue reading “How to change your core beliefs with Ayahuasca?”

As the psychedelic renaissance is marching on, more and more companies and investors are starting to look how to make profit on this newly emerging field in the US and Canada. One of these companies is Filament Health. In a recent article published on Psychedelic Spotlight, they are proud to announce the coming Phase 1 clinical trials for their freshly processed, newly created, standardized Ayahuasca pill. Continue reading “Ayahuasca pill & cultural appropriation”

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