I remember many years ago my Mom asking me what’s the point of doing all the healing work and digging up the past? At that time I wasn’t sure but I felt deeply that this is something I have to do.

Healing is a path to happiness

Now in retrospect I believe that healing is a path to happiness.

For me healing goes beyond the physical body. It’s a remembering, a returning to our natural state of wholeness and connectedness. It’s also a spiritual journey of becoming aware of our true self, your undying presence. Some call this journey awakening.

The root of disease and suffering

Disease, suffering and unhappiness are rooted in ignorance. Ignorance of your true nature and innate power. Imagine it like a type of forgetfulness.

Would you worry and stress if you would know that you are an all powerful magical creator? Of course not! But, your unconscious mind is full of limiting programs, false beliefs, assumptions, that keep you imprisoned and attached to an idea that is not the whole you. That’s why you suffer.

Healing is a journey of awakening

And therefore healing is a journey of awakening and remembering who you are and why are you here now. As you start to remember, you start to find peace, happiness, love and compassion.

And you start to feel better.

You start to trust in yourself, you start to navigate your life with more ease and confidence. You feel more kind and accepting toward yourself and others. You start to stand up for yourself and create healthy relationships. You start to remember your passion and your dreams. You start to honor each path but mostly your own. You start to believe that you are more than you ever imagined. And most of all you will start to open your heart and touch a deep place of love within you that were always looking for.

Healing is an act of Self love

When you commit to your own healing you say I love myself enough to want to stop my suffering, I believe that there is more to my life, and to dedicate myself to this path because I care about me and my life so much and I want the best for myself.

You are the healer

The only person who is able to make this happen is YOU. Of course help is always available and you will need your tribe, your teachers, your guides and your support. But you are the protagonist of your journey, of your story. You have your gifts and your obstacles within you. This journey of self-discovery is an inside job but you are more than capable. How could you not fulfill your own destiny?

Love is the medicine

And as you journey, as you open and first touch that deep place in your heart, you will realize that love is the answer no matter what your question is, that love is the medicine that mends all broken hearts and love is the elixir of life. To love means is to accept, to embrace, to treat as part of yourself, to feel fully connected to yourself and others. To love is to care deeply.

A spiritual path to happiness

I believe that any spiritual path worth walking will make you more content, fearless and happy in this life, in this present moment, not in some other reality. But most of all your dedication, your commitment to yourself and your path will open your heart to love and to remembering of who you truly are. How does that sound?

A transformational journey

I am happy to share that it totally worked for me to turn my life around from miserable and self destructive to caring, content and generally happy. The more I walk on this path, the more I recover myself beyond my mind, beyond my story and the more I realize that I am not a broken, powerless and struggling victim who I thought I was. I am so much more than that. I am that all powerful magical creator. I am that.

With love, Nina Izel

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Heart Medicine