As the psychedelic renaissance is marching on, more and more companies and investors are starting to look how to make profit on this newly emerging field in the US and Canada. One of these companies is Filament Health. In a recent article published on Psychedelic Spotlight, they are proud to announce the coming Phase 1 clinical trials for their freshly processed, newly created, standardized Ayahuasca pill. In the following, I would like to provide you with some different perspectives so that you can have a well-rounded knowledge about the history of Ayahuasca and the link between Ayahuasca and cultural appropriation.



Filament Health claims their main motivation for creating an Ayahuasca pill is to make it more accessible to individuals. In other words, to help individuals access an authentic Ayahuasca experiences without requiring a trip to South America.

I believe availability is a question of perspective.

The fact is an Ayahuasca ceremony is more available than ever. Of course, Ayahuasca is widely available in the Amazon region of Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia. We can say that, as of 2022, it is quite widely available in the West thanks to the regularly visiting Ayahuasca shamans and the growing number of legally operating Ayahuasca Churches in the US, Canada, and Europe.

Apart from Ayahuasca, there are countless medicinal and psychedelic plants all over the world. There are several plants and animals containing DMT, like Ayahuasca, Acaica, Yopo, Sirian rue, Mimosa, Bufo Alvarius, some sea sponges, just to name a few. Each continent has its own local medicinal and psychoactive plants and traditions of how to use them. The most commonly used psychoactive plants in North America are mushrooms and cacti. In Europe, psilocybin-containing mushrooms also grow in abundance, and other plants like Datura are used to reach altered states of consciousness. Mother Nature makes sure that wherever you live you have access to healing and mind altering plants.

Is Ayahuasca available to everybody? No.
Should it be available to everybody? I personally don’t think so.

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