Plant medicine has been my greatest ally for healing, self-discovery, and remembrance. Recently, I was called to celebrate the year’s end with Grandfather Tobacco and Grandmother Ayahuasca from the Amazon.

Emerging from the jungle, I wish to share some gifts of love that I received through my experience.

The Only Way Out Is Through

To get to where you want to go, first you have to remove all the obstacles. The strict diet we hold before the ceremony including the Tabacco cleanse to prepare the mind-body is a voluntary sacrifice I willingly make to create space for the truth and the love to emerge and to be touched.

It’s not easy neither pleasant to go through this process but it is absolutely necessary to receive the gifts of this amazing medicine.

When It’s Time to Surrender

To surrender to the pain of letting go took me years of practice. The attachments to things that are not serving me were strong and hard to break. In one of my visions I saw myself grasping at my pain with all my strength as the medicine was gently teaching me to let go and open my hands.

I learnt to sit with the discomfort, I learnt to breathe through the pain, I learnt not to resist what death needs to take away. It’s easier this way. I am grateful.

Surrender isn’t weakness—it’s where you find your strength.

Beyond Judgment

Judgement closes the heart and prevents you to feel the love. Please do not judge. Honor and respect each path, every journey because they are all an expression of love. I know that when I judge, it clouds my eyes and disconnects me from love. Acceptance is the great antidote and I choose to see with the eyes of love. Forgive me if I still judge and remind me to come back to love.

Embracing Conscious Choice

You choose what you want. Period. But I had to mature, heal and grow to really understand this choice and to realize that I am not a victim anymore. In fact I never was. I am still learning to exercise my free will and choose what serves me the most.

Love Is A State of Being

Love is NOT an emotion. It’s a state of being. Close to contentment and peace. To love means to walk with an open heart in the face of adversity and contrast. It’s a choice to keep an open heart even when it is hard, ugly or dark. This is the most courageous and revolutionary act in this world.

Love is unconditional and EVERYTHING is an expression of love, even the darkest and sickest thing. We all came from this love and we all return to it at the end of our journey.

You are loved unconditionally. There is nothing you have to do to be worthy or to deserve it.

This doesn’t mean you have to accept or invite pain or darkness into your life. You choose which expression of love you would like.

A Christmas Wish

For this Xmas I wish we all remember this, I wish we choose to walk with an open heart, to be courageous and be most LOVING.

To all my relations, I love you.

Nina Izel

I am at your service if you wish to work with me book a free consultation here.

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Heart Medicine