5 ways to control people
Have you ever met a controlling person? I am sure you have!
Oftentimes it can be parents who have an excessive need to control their children, their behavior and their thinking.
I know a person who is 32 years old but his mother is still making every decision for him, starting from what clothes to wear, what food to eat to what furniture to buy for his apartment.
But it doesn’t stop there. With the same tactics that you would use to control somebody, you can control an entire nation or a country. On a bigger scale this type of control might be not so obvious and often people who are controlled are also deceived by believing that it’s for their highest good. How can this happen?
5 ways to control people
Actually it’s easy to control the masses if you are familiar with basic human psychology. So let me tell you how this is working so you can recognize it and remain free!
1. Control the information
One of the best ways to exert control is to limit the access to information. You can see that throughout history, censorship was a powerful tool of control combined with propaganda, to hold people back from finding out what is truly happening and keep them obedient.
2. Social division
Divide and conquer is another great way to weaken the collective and manipulate. Undermining trust between groups or exploiting existing social tensions is a great way to divide people and direct their focus into a certain direction. Just think about the major divide between people of different color, or religion for that matter.
3. Fear
Probably fear is the best way to manipulate people into doing what you say. For example, punishing dissent publicly will make people depend on authorities for safety. Also creating perceived external threats like war or disease and evoking the fear of death will put people under an enormous stress that you can exploit to your own advantage. Think about a communist regime where anybody can be accused anytime for anything, never allowing people to feel safe and secure, which is a fundamental need for well being.
4. Economic control
Creating economic dependence such as lack of private property or being in constant debt will keep people in the survival mode, much easier to be controlled. If you look at dictatorships where the state control everything from jobs and housing to food, where economic privileges are based on loyalty, where survival depends on compliance and leaving your country is not an option, it’s easy to see how you can be pushed to do something that you would never consider if you would be free.
5. Surveillance and Social Pressure
Creating systems of monitoring and reporting, encouraging people to police and report each other and punishing people who step out of line is a trick as old as time. Technology just made this so much easier! China;s social credit system demonstrated this modern approach. The social pressure to comply combined with the fear of punishment erodes trust in relationships and makes you vulnerable to this tactic.
You might think that these things happen only in dictatorships, but I can tell you that’s not the case unfortunately.
Did you know that 60% of US media is owned by 6 corporations? Have you ever heard of fact-checkers? Do you know anybody who was censored or blocked on social media in a democratic country for simply disagreeing with the mainstream narrative? Do you remember who we were pushed to do the “right thing” during the last pandemic?
Let’s take a moment and think about all this. What do you think?
Free your mind and take back your power! Work with me @avatarhealingarts.com
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