What is Love? The definition of love

Let’s start with a question of what love really is? I am sure that people have a very different definition of this word. Some people would say that I hit you because I care and therefore love is punishment but I don’t believe that. It took me a while to start to grasp love as a concept and strip away the lies that I was told throughout my life about love, kindness and sacrifice.

Love hurts, love is sacrifice, love is suffering were ideas I used to believe in but not anymore. As one of my teacher says, love is all inclusive and I believe this to be true based on my experience. I personally experienced the power of this love turning hate, shame and blame into acceptance, gratitude and joy and this in itself is a miracle.

Walking the plant medicine path and working with the Mother Ayahuasca has opened my eyes and expanded my awareness so I could see myself form a higher perspective and that allowed me to embrace myself with compassion and love. This was my first powerful experience of the healing power of love. I understood how when we heal ourselves we bring our fragments together making ourselves whole again and this is a process of integration, inclusion that can be only accomplished with love and acceptance.

This power of love never ceases to amaze me, inspire me and remind me how powerful we are and how we can make the impossible happen, how we can overcome the unspeakable and not just survive but thrive again in this beautiful life.

What is not love?

When we are in a state of trauma and blame and we hold emotions like sadness, resentment and anger we cannot connect with this love. What the Plant Medicine helped me with the most was to see certain events of my past from a higher, more detached perspective and to understand the deeper reasons behind a chain of events. In other words I could make peace with my past and let go of the blame, the guilt and the shame and the never ending fear and worry that I did something wrong and I am somehow faulty, not good enough to be happy, not deserving.

For a long time I thought punishment was an expression of love, so I learnt to punish myself inside, not leaving any visible scars. It took a long time for me to understand that this was nit love at all.

Violence is not love, power over others is not love, sacrificing yourself is not love not at all. Love can’t hurt me, love is the opposite of pain. I felt like a veil has been lifted and I can see clearly again.

Now it seems silly that I ever believed in those lies, but most of us did, we were convinced when we were kids and we believed everything without discerning.

The longest path is between the head and the heart

Psychedelic assisted therapy has the potential to help us open our heart and connect with the true medicine which is love. In this context we work with the Mother Ayahuasca in a long term therapeutic container that is personally guided and supported, and includes the preparation and the integration outside the ceremonial space.

Plant medicine helped me to love and accept all parts of myself, the beautiful and the ugly, and as I was doing this I lost any anxiety, my addictions and compulsions, the pain from my body just vanished for good ad I truly felt I was reborn, I was a different person, not broken anymore but most of all I started to see myself with the eyes of acceptance and love, all that I have overcome, all the past pain, all the joy, all the heartbreak now didn’t touch me anymore, I just felt grateful, renewed, free and infinitely loved.

And this love not only touched me. I started to feel at peace with my parents and my family, I could see their lives with compassionate eyes, I could understand that nothing is really personal and I could feel the love between us, underneath all of the pain and suffering. I connect to that love every day since then and bring that in to my relationship with my parents every time we interact. I feel deep acceptance of myself, of them and everything that happened.

You are a spiritual being

The Mother Ayahuasca showed me that I am just a spiritual being having a human experience like everybody else, I am not better or worse, I am not a sinner or a saint either, I am a unique expression of the divine, full of love and potential and most of all with the gift of choice.

Free will to create as you wish, both consciously and unconsciously. The more conscious you are, the more beautiful what you create. And this is true individually and collectively, because everything is connected. Everything is conscious and alive, and everything you do affects the life of all.

Your life is a big responsibility and honor and privilege, but most of all it’s a gift to do with as you please. You have the power to change your life!

I wish to live my life like the most beautiful ceremony and ritual day in and day out, with a full heart. I desire to follow the voice of my heart and fulfill my destiny, find my unique path. I choose to trust and take a leap of faith every morning when I start my day. But most of all I think loving thoughts and I remember that I always have a choice.

Ayahuasca Assisted Therapy

When you remember who you are, loving yourself is inevitable. “

Ayahuasca Assisted Therapy proved to be an effective way to let go of lifelong suffering, open the heart to more love and change the trajectory of one’s life within an incredibly short amount of time.

Working with clients in a therapeutic container with the Mother Ayahuasca allows the healing process to be deeper and significantly shorter as She helps us to access the root of our problems by expanding our awareness and breaking down natural resistance. Definitely deserving to the term breakthrough results and it’s exciting to know that we are only at the beginning of the psychedelic renaissance.

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Heart Medicine