Love Letters to Self pt1

Writing for me is a great way to remind myself of the simple but most important things for living a good life, especially at times of great challenges.

Like little Love Letters to myself, I write this blog to help myself and others to navigate the turbulent waters of this rapidly passing time.

I decided to dedicate a series of blog posts, a collection of life lessons if you will called Love Letters to Self. These heartfelt words intend to open and connect us with the essence of who we really are.

Because we are all One, these letters are for everyone, reminding us how to live an amazing life.


In the ebb and flow of life sometimes it is time to pause, take stock in our lives and look at our internal landscape. We reflect on what does and what does not serve based on our personal experience and not on other people’s ideas.

However, it is easy to get lost in the thinking mind. To hear the voice of our internal guidance we need to quiet down the mind, ask the right questions to expand awareness and listen within for the answers.

Simple questions can help greatly to relax and focus the mind.

How do I feel? What’s happening within me, how does my internal world look like?

What do I truly want, what is my heart’s desire, what is my best vision for myself?

What are my gifts, talents, what is my contribution to this world?

What holds me back, where are my limitations?

What can I do to move towards what I really want, how to manifest my desires?

My intention with these Love Letters is to ask great questions that guide us towards love, connection, cooperation, harmony and joy. Hope you will enjoy.

Remember You are the Healer and Love is the Medicine.

with Love

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