I call upon the celestial realms, the angelic beings, the planetary guides and protectors, and the ascended ones to bless us and to be present here with us.

I call upon the divine light of unconditional love, truth, harmony to shine in the places that need healing and guide our way now and always.

I ask for healing with great reverence from our Mother the Earth, from Father Sky and the guardians of the four directions and most of all from the power of our Heart and Soul.

I speak this Prayer in my name Nina Izel and in the name of those humans who cannot speak these words but resonate with this Prayer, with the permission of their higher selves and if it’s for their highest good and in alignment of their higher path.

With this Prayer I ask for the healing and restoration of our sexual energy and its alignment to the divine source. I ask for the possibility of acceptance, forgiveness, love and compassion so healing can occur on the deepest level, and we can return to our natural state of wholeness.

With this Prayer I ask for the dissolution of any energies, powers, words, spells, frequencies and agendas that are in violation of our sacred sexuality and its organic expression.

With this Prayer I break any dark magic technology technology, spell, curse, contract and bondage that was created through sexual abuse and enslavement to harvest, manipulate, traumatize, control or utilize my life force energy and my consciousness in any way without my consent.

With this Prayer I revoke any and all sexual enslavement contracts of my Free Will in this reality and al any and all connecting timelines.

With this Prayer I transmute all trauma of sexual abuse and enslavement through the Divine source energy based on Natural Sovereign Law with the power of Divine Love and Light.

As I speak these words I take my power back, I stand aligned, empowered, connected to my true nature, that is divine love and I am fully protected this way from now on.

I declare my full freedom and sovereignty and I command full autonomy over my physical and non physical embodiment and my energetic vibration now.

I am sending to the sexual abusers and predators integrated love and light energy for healing and remembering of your true nature.

I love you, I am sorry, please forgive, me, thank you.

With this Prayer I see a light filled world where all the children, women and men are safe and free to express their natural, organic, divine sexuality in harmonic resonance with Divine Love Source.

I see a world where our trust is never betrayed and sexual crimes are distant memories of the past that were healed and transformed. I see a world where our sexual expression filled with joy, love and divine beauty that connects us and lifts us all up. I see a world where we always remember that we are pure consciousness, One, connected divine source, One human family.

I seal this Prayer in absolute Oneness overlighted by unconditional Love.

So be it, so it is. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.

Nina Izel

You are the healer and love is the medicine.


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