It’s tempting to believe that you can escape your personal responsibility in order to change and awaken by simply meditating yourself into the higher realms, upgrading your DNA on a weekend workshop or downloading divine light activation codes from the Akashic records.

If you think that you are somehow superior

because call yourself a lightworker, a starseed or a non-terrestrial being or because you learnt in two days how to be a reiki master, you are really missing the point. And I am talking from experience:)

There are countless businesses riding the spiritual awakening wave as we ascend into the fifth dimension, according to them. Their prey is a huge crowd of disappointed new age humans who believe that they are breaking free from the shackles of the old paradigm of religion and science and finally found the elixir of life. At least they are open minded. Also unfortunately childlike and naive like I was. Easy prey.

It’s so tempting to believe

that somebody will save me, that there a place where there is no suffering and everything is perfect (there is), that someway, somehow it’s possible to escape the pain of awakening and remembering of who you truly are. And it’s even easier to exploit that.

I hope I can save you some time by telling you that this is the wrong path.

Why do you think you are here, on this earth now? To focus on some heavenly realm? To escape the here and now? To deny and escape your human nature and the physical realm?

Let me tell you that while you are doing this humanity is suffering and the Earth is dying. Forests are burning, war is raging, famine and poverty is everywhere. The waters are poisoned. We have no clean air or food anymore. Animals are dying from starvation and the loss of their habitat. We are destroying the Earth and each other.

Do you call this progress and civilization?

How arrogant we are are! How blind, how wounded we are.

Be here now.

Be responsible creator. Take care of each other. Take care of the Earth. That’s what it’s called being spiritual. Live from your heart. Be humble. Follow your path. Be generous. Be kind.

Do you want to be a master?

Be loving and remember who you are. To all my relations. Mitakuye Oyasin.

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