Before answering these questions, let’s define what integration really means in this context.

Integrating psychedelics refers to the process of integrating deeper insights and understandings into your everyday life – in other words creating real, visible, long-lasting changes for the better.

Integration also refers to the process of bringing into balance/alignment the different aspects of the individual self – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Most of us exist on a certain level of separation and fragmentation due to trauma and the conditioning of the mind. When fragmented, we experience physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual crisis and imbalance. The healing or awakening process is integration of the fragmented self and the return to our original state of wholeness and balance.

Integrating psychedelics is a participatory process. The medicine did its part during the ceremony by expanding your awareness, but it is up to you what you will do with that after.

The medicine is not going to heal you, only you can do that. You must take the steps and make the necessary changes. This is the integration process.

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