
3 Way Ayahuasca can support your trauma healing

Imagine unlocking a hidden door to profound healing and self-discovery by healing your deepest, most hidden wounds. Trauma, often an invisible barrier, fragments your sense of self and leaves lasting scars on your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. But what if there was a powerful ally that could help you reconnect with your true self and heal these wounds?

Read on to learn 3 ways Ayahuasca, an ancient Amazonian brew known for its transformative power, can help you in trauma healing.

What is trauma?

Trauma is the disconnection from Self due to overwhelming experience that cannot be processed at the moment of occurrence. The impact of trauma leads to fragmentation of the Self and has long-term mental, emotional and physical effects. When you are traumatized you disconnect from yourself and this detachment deeply affects your health and happiness.

Two types of trauma

The two types of trauma are often categorized as trauma of omission and trauma of commission.

1. Commission

Trauma of commission refers to harmful actions that are actively done to a person. This includes physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, and any form of violence or maltreatment. Trauma of commission often results in direct, identifiable harm and can lead to a wide range of psychological and emotional issues, such as PTSD, anxiety, and depression.

2. Omission

Trauma of omission refers to the absence of essential nurturing experiences during crucial developmental periods, mainly the first seven years. This type of trauma involves what didn’t happen but should have. It includes neglect, lack of emotional support, absence of love, and unmet needs for safety and security. This form of trauma can also lead can lead to a wide range of psychological and emotional issues, such as PTSD, anxiety, and depression. It also can manifest as feelings of worthlessness, insecurity, and difficulties in forming healthy relationships.

Both types of trauma can have profound and lasting impacts on an individual’s health, happiness and well-being.

Can you heal trauma?

Healing trauma is possible but it can be a complex and often challenging process. Often time you may not recognize that your symptoms or behaviors are related to trauma. Maybe you don’t even remember a traumatic event.

Awareness of the trauma is the first step in healing process because you can’t heal what you are not aware of unfortunately. This in itself can be a big hurdle because the roots of trauma are deeply hidden in the unconscious, safely protected from your conscious Self. Many healing methods fail to reach the root of the problem and achieve true healing and long term recovery.
Denial is another form of protection that can prevent you to seek help and address painful memories from your past. Feelings of shame and self-blame can also hinder your progress by making you feel unworthy of healing.

Healing from trauma is often a long-term commitment, requiring patience, persistence, and ongoing conscious effort and investment that not everybody is willing or able to make.

3 ways Ayahuasca can help you to heal trauma

Ayahuasca is the most powerful ally in your trauma healing process based on my experience. Here is why.

1. Awareness

The altered state of consciousness induced by ayahuasca leads to rapid expansion of your awareness, making the unconscious conscious. This awareness can lead to profound insights and a deeper understanding of yourself and your trauma. This can help you reframe your experience and let go of the suffering. Awareness is the first step in trauma healing and often times it’s almost impossible to develop the necessary awareness with traditional healing tools that is necessary for deep healing to happen.

Ayahuasca can rapidly break down any resistance and help you to access the root of your problem by expanding your awareness. Often times as little as one ayahuasca ceremony can be enough for you to become aware of the root of your problems. Ayahuasca is also very effective to uncover suppressed memories of trauma that were previously hidden in your unconscious so they can be acknowledged and let go.

2. Emotional healing

Another reason why ayahuasca is so powerful and effective in trauma healing, is it’s capacity to bring suppressed emotions to the surface for healing and release. Many traditional methods and different forms of talk therapy fail to address the emotional side of healing and without this important part we are all doomed to fail and repeat the old mistakes.
Learn more about how Ayahuasca can support emotional healing in this article here.

Healing emotional wounds empowers you to take control of your life, make healthier choices, and set healthy boundaries. It is also vital for your inner peace and contentment, allowing you to experience more joy and fulfillment. By addressing and healing your emotional wounds, you can unlock your full potential and lead more authentic, empowered life.

3. Spiritual reconnection

You are a spiritual being, having a human experience. The deepest level of healing is remembering your true self and spiritual nature. Without this no healing can be complete and you will always long for something more, something deeper.

When you work with Ayahuasca, you often experience a sense of connection to a higher power, the universe, or a greater consciousness. When you see the bigger picture and feel a sense of unity with all life, that can lead to a deeper understanding of your place in the world. From this perspective it easier to forgive yourself and others, and experience a greater sense of empathy and compassion. These insights often lead to clarity and direction, helping you make positive changes in your life.

For those open to exploring this path, ayahuasca can be a powerful tool for spiritual growth and deep healing that leads to breakthrough results.

Psychedelic Integration

The insights and experiences gained during an ayahuasca ceremony can be profound and life-changing, but integrating them into your daily life is crucial. Continued support from therapists, spiritual guides, or support groups is necessary to maintain and deepen your healing process. It’s essential to choose reputable, experienced facilitators and safe, supportive environments for your Ayahuasca ceremony and have proper after care and the guidance of a professional Ayahuasca integration specialist.


The journey to trauma healing is not a straight path, but with Ayahuasca as your guide, you can navigate the complexities and emerge stronger, more connected, and truly healed. By integrating the profound insights and emotional releases gained from Ayahuasca ceremonies, you can break free from the chains of your past and step into a life of authenticity and empowerment.

If you are interested to experience deep healing and break free from the shackles of your past with Ayahuasca Assisted Therapy, don’t wait any longer, connect with me for a free consultation.

with Love, Nina Izel

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