and the power of NO

Declaration of sovereignty

I am a free, sovereign being of divine love and original innocence.

I am a guardian and a protector of the Natural Cosmic Law, of the Mother Earth and the human race.

I do not consent to any energies, powers, words, spells, frequencies and agendas that are in violation of cosmic, natural law, that are anti-life, that are trying to separate me from true source, from zero point energy, and that are not in alignment with one unity consciousness and the source codes of divine love.

I do not consent to any dark forces that are not aligned with divine love to hold power over or control my physical, mental, emotional, spiritual body and my health and well-being in any imaginable way.

I do not consent to any dark magic technology that are not aligned with divine love to harvest, manipulate, traumatize, control or utilize my energy, my consciousness as a food source or in any other imaginable way.

I do not consent to any dark forces that are not aligned with divine love to modify my DNA or to violate the natural pro-life codes of creation.

I do not consent to any dark forces that are not aligned with divine love to violate my sovereignty and my free will in any imaginable way.

I do not consent to any dark forces that are not aligned with divine love to interfere, distort or delay in any shape and form the fulfillment of my purpose in this lifetime.

I hereby revoke all negative anti-life, dark magic agenda imposter/intruder enslavement contracts of my Free Will. I hereby terminate all enslavement records, false timelines and phantom systems from impacting my being and the Planetary Grid Fields with intent to cause distress. I transmute all spiritual manipulation and enslavement energies into pure essence through the Zero Point Light of Source-God Natural Sovereign Law.

I hereby reinstate, restore the collective Cosmic Divine blueprint of Christ energy record to all layers of my sovereign and free being now.

Anything that is not aligned with love is completely powerless over me.

I stand aligned, empowered, connected to my true nature, that is love and I am fully protected this way.

I declare my full sovereignty and I command full autonomy over my physical and non physical embodiment and my energetic vibration. I State my Sovereignty in the name of the One Eternal Self. I am a Sentient, Eternal Flame Being, and I claim my Divine Self-Sovereign God Power now.

I fully and completely Seal my Energetic Field from any further intrusion and restore the Cosmic Christ blueprint energies and pure essences that are in divine order with the original creation now.

I call upon and unite with my I am Presence with all life force energies that are here to bring life, love and peace for the highest good of all, of this planet and the human race.

I am sending the dark forces integrated love and light energy for healing and remembering of your true nature.

I am sorry, please forgive, me, thank you, I love you.

I seal this declaration in absolute Oneness through the harmonic resonance with Divine Source.

So be it, so it is.

I am that I am.

I love myself, I love you. We are One.

Nina Izel @AvatarHealingArts

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Heart Medicine