Is Bufo a plant medicine?

In your quest to understand the BUFO VS Ayahuasca, you’ve landed at the right spot. These two therapeutic substances, though similar in purpose, greatly differ not only in their physical properties but also in the duration of their impacts.

BUFO Alvarius, derived from a desert toad’s venom, is smoked, while Ayahuasca, which originates from various Amazonian plants, is consumed as a drink. The BUFO effects kick in almost instantly, lasting for around 15-20 minutes, contrasting with Ayahuasca’s gradual onset that can linger for an expansive duration of 4 – 6 hours.

BUFO VS Ayahuasca

Both of these medicines elevate your consciousness and allow you to connect with your innermost self. Each one comes with side effects that enhance the depth of the experience. Bufo Alvarius plays a significant role in shaping consciousness, willpower, environmental influence, and personal habits.

The effects of Bufo Alvarius can lead to hallucinations that typically last between 20 minutes to 1 hour. Many who have experienced Bufo report a profound connection with the universe and a sense of rebirth. They may also describe merging with God, vibrant visions of colors and patterns, and a profound sense of unity with the universe and all beings. Ayahuasca, on the other hand, is known to enhance creativity and imagination, inspiring individuals to create various forms of art using Ayahuasca Visions.

Ayahuasca and Bufo Alvarius are both popular in the newly emerging psychedelic community for those who are seeking healing and spiritual awakening but…

while these substances are chemically very similar there are significant differences to consider before committing to your psychedelic journey with any of these substances.

Origins of Bufo

DMT, also called the spirit molecule is undoubtedly the star of the psychedelic revolution. DMT is neither new nor an uncommon substance that can be found it several plants and animals.

The practice of smoking Bufo medicine, 5-MeO-DMT is a relatively new phenomenon and can’t be considered as ancient because it doesn’t come from an unbroken ancestral lineage.

One of the earliest mention of Bufo venom is in Peter T. Furst’s book, Hallucinogens and culture that was published in 1976.

But it was Albert Most’s book, Bufo Alvarius: The Psychedelic Toad of the Sonoran Desert that extensively talked about smoking Bufo venom for its 5-MeO-DMT content.

As far as known there is no traditional use of Bufo venom for healing or spiritual purposes and there are no shamanic practices associated with the use of Bufo medicine.

Some people believe that use the Bufo venom was part of traditional shamanic rituals because of the use of toad icons and pictures in their art but this is not proven to have direct correlation. It is true that 5-MeO-DMT has a history of shamanic and traditional use in a form of snuffs, but this 5-MeO-DMT came from plants like yopo or mimosa and was not derived from Bufo Alvarius. The most common use of Bufo venom today is in Neo-shamanic settings that combine elements of various existing traditions.

Why is Bufo so popular now?

The popularity of smoking Bufo venom for personal and spiritual exploration has grown a great deal in recent years for two main reasons.

1. Intense Psychedelic Experience

5-MeO-DMT is known for inducing intense psychedelic experience characterized by a rapid onset, short duration and a sense of ego dissolution. While these experiences can contribute to healing and personal growth they can also easily become a crutch, a quick fix in response to the one’s problems in life. Today’s culture promotes instant success and same day delivery which aligns with the promise of Bufo medicine to take a hit of DMT and meet God instantly.

The question is how does this help you in your everyday life long term?

2. Increased Interest in Psychedelic Therapies

The broader cultural and scientific interest in the therapeutic potential of psychedelics has contributed to the popularity of substances like 5-MeO-DMT. More and more people see it as a tool for self-discovery and therapeutic purposes.

The question is what are the long term effects of this use and how sustainable and beneficial is this long term? What real positive results came from using this medicine?

Potential benefits & harms of Bufo medicine

Most people describe their Bufo experience as deeply spiritual and transformational, feeling a profound sense of connectedness with the Universe. Some people report improved mood and well-being after their experience. Still we don’t know what measurable and sustainable positive effects Bufo medicine really has as it has no tradition or documented research that we could rely on in this subject.

It’s essential to emphasize that while there is interest in the potential therapeutic benefits of 5-MeO-DMT, there is very little research available to understand its effects, mechanisms of action, and long-term implications. Additionally, the use of 5-MeO-DMT carries risks, including psychological distress, challenging experiences, spiritual emergency and potential harm to individuals with certain medical or psychiatric conditions.

Individuals considering the use of 5-MeO-DMT for therapeutic purposes should do so with caution, under the guidance of trained professionals, and in a controlled and supportive environment.

The safe use of these powerful medicines requires expert guidance. When there is an ancestral tradition this knowledge, this guidance is passed down through generations and preserved by the elders. This is a key piece to safe and responsible use of these substances.

With the Bufo medicine, we lack tradition and therefore guidance and we also lack long term experience and scientific research on this subject. It is true that all tradition started somewhere and maybe this is a start of a new tradition of a new Era. Still it is wise to have more caution when we explore this path less travelled.

Origins of Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca has a rich and ancient history rooted in the indigenous cultures of the Amazon Basin, particularly among the tribes of Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil. The word “Ayahuasca” is derived from the Quechua language and it is often translated as the “vine of the soul.”

The traditional use of Ayahuasca dates back possibly thousands of years, with indigenous communities employing the brew for spiritual, healing, and divinatory purposes. The indigenous Amazonian cultures consider Ayahuasca to be a powerful tool for connecting with the spirit world, receiving guidance from the plant spirits, and accessing profound insights about oneself and the universe.

The Ayahuasca brew is typically prepared by combining the Banisteriopsis caapi vine, known as the Ayahuasca vine, with the leaves of Psychotria viridis. Shamans or traditional healers, often referred to as “ayahuasqueros” or “curanderos,” play a crucial role in guiding individuals through Ayahuasca ceremonies. These ceremonies are conducted in a ritualistic and ceremonial setting, typically in the context of a specially designed space and time.

In 1873 Richard Spruce published Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon and Andes, containing the first ethnobotanical account of ayahuasca and reporting on its sources, preparation and effects upon himself.

Of course in the 1990’s Terrence McKenna greatly contributed to introducing Ayahuasca to the West such as Jeremy Narby’s widely popular book The Cosmic Serpent, published 1998.

Many individuals from around the world now seek out Ayahuasca experiences for personal growth, healing, and spiritual exploration.

Why Ayahuasca is the most popular psychedelic?

Today the number one google search keyword in the psychedelic field is #AyahuascaRetreats

Undoubtedly public endorsements and testimonials from celebrities and influencers have played a role in bringing Ayahuasca into mainstream consciousness reviving a thousands years old tradition. Documentaries and media coverage exploring Ayahuasca ceremonies and individual experiences have contributed to its visibility and popularity without a doubt.

Still those who work with this plant say they were ‘called’ by the Mother Ayahuasca to do this deep transformational work. The idea that Ayahuasca is “calling” someone basically means a strong attraction toward working with this plant medicine. This concept is deeply rooted in the beliefs within indigenous cultures whose ancestors have been working with this medicine.

Benefits & potential harms of Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca use has been associated with various documented benefits for thousands of years. Ayahuasca is often used as a tool for personal growth, self-discovery, and exploration of consciousness. Ayahuasca has been explored as a potential therapeutic aid for various mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addiction. Studies suggest that the psychedelic experiences induced by Ayahuasca can facilitate emotional processing and healing and a reevaluation and reinterpretation of traumatic experiences. People report increased self-awareness and a greater ability to be present in the moment. Moreover there are breakthrough results documented in healing especially opiate addiction following Ayahuasca experiences.

  • Spiritual and Personal Growth
  • Improving mental health
  • Emotional Release and healing
  • Increased Awareness & presence
  • Healing of Trauma
  • Healing Addiction

The contraindications and potential harms of Ayahuasca is also well known and documented thanks to the wisdom past down through generations and the renewed interest and research in this field. Individuals with a history of certain medical or psychiatric conditions, such as heart problems, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or a family history of psychotic disorders, may be at increased risk when using Ayahuasca. Also you have to be aware of certain substance interactions, certain conditions like pregnancy or cardiovascular conditions and of course the legal considerations when embarking on an Ayahuasca journey.

List of contraindications

Seeking guidance from experienced and reputable facilitators or shamans is vital, as they can provide valuable insights and ensure a safe and supportive environment. Additionally, open communication with healthcare professionals is essential to address any potential health concerns or medication interactions. Responsible use, informed consent and a sacred approach is needed when we approach the Mother Plant.

Making your own informed choice – BUFO VS Ayahuasca

In terms of safety, both Ayahuasca and Bufo Alvarius can be approached responsibly, but the safety considerations differ. Ayahuasca ceremonies, with their longer duration and immense cultural traditions, provide a more structured and safe environment. Ayahuasca ceremonies are typically facilitated by experienced shamans or ceremonial leaders with years of traditional training who guide participants through the experience. The presence of skilled facilitators is considered crucial for maintaining a safe and supportive environment.

On the other hand, the short duration of Bufo Alvarius experiences may appeal to those who are seeking a potent but brief encounter with altered states of consciousness. However the intensity of the Bufo Alvarius experience can be overwhelming for some individuals, potentially leading to challenging psychological states and the short duration of the experience may limit the time available for participants to integrate insights and process the experience.

Ultimately, the choice between Ayahuasca and Bufo Alvarius should align with one’s intentions, preferences, and level of comfort but regardless of the choice, individuals should prioritize safety, seek experienced guidance and remember that you cannot bypass the deep inner work necessary to transform your life. While psychedelics can aid you tremendously in your healing and awakening ultimately you are the healer and love is the medicine.

Stay safe on your journey!

With love, Nina Izel

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