

Don’t get me wrong I am not talking about the chocolate-like candies that you can buy in most of the stores. I am talking about the real stuff. Real chocolate from real cacao and no artificial ingredients. When I first tried a piece of raw chocolate I realized that I had no idea before what chocolate really was.

This was just something different. Rich. Mysterious. Deeply satisfying.

And that was it for me. I never went back to mainstream candy. I am now totally devoted to authentic cacao and I make my own superfood chocolates.

Cacao beans

I am passionate about inspiring every single person to make their own chocolates and celebrate the magnificence of cacao, the food of the Gods.

Did you know?

  • The Mayans believe the cacao’s divine origin, the name Theobroma means “food of the goods”
  • Cacao beans were used as a currency in Mexico and Meso-america in 1550’s
  • Cacao contains anandamid, a natural “bliss chemical”, part of the endorphin group
  • Considered to be the number 1 Longevity food on the planet
  • Cacao was used for medicinal and spiritual purposes for thousands of years

Why bother making your own chocolates?

Raw vegan chocolates

Raw vegan chocolates

Organic, raw cacao is super rich in nutrients like Iron, Magnesium, protein, vitamins, fiber, flavonoids and a lot more.

During the processing and by the time chocolates end up in a store, most of these nutrients are totally destroyed.

There is nothing left, the original benefits of the plant are all gone and on top of all it is loaded with additives and artificial ingredients like ‘partially hydrogenated soybean oil’ or ‘corn syrup’.

I guarantee that my chocolate only contains cacao and other superfoods, all natural, raw possibly organic ingredients for the maximum benefit and highest enjoyment.

Let’s make chocolates!

Making these natural chocolates is super easy, quick and enjoyable process that I am gonna teach you right now!

Your Ingredients

– Raw, organic Cacao powder
– Raw, organic Cacao butter
– Raw, organic blue agave
– Pinch of pink Himalayan salt

Raw ingredients

Raw ingredients

Note: Use only natural, high quality ingredients, possibly certified organic and raw products for best quality and maximum nutrition.

You will also need

– A spoon
– A pot
– A plate
– A container of some sort

Chocolate making 'tools'

Chocolate making ‘tools’

Note: Avoid overheating the butter, temperature supposed to be not higher than 105 F or 40 C.

5 simple Steps to your Magical Chocolates

1. Melt your cacao butter (100 g)
Pour half a cup of water into your pot and bring it to boiling to generate some steam. Place the plate on top of the pot with you cacao butter in it. As the butter starts to melt, turn the heat of and keep stirring the butter until it completely melts.

2. Mix all ingredients
Mix your cacao powder (4-6 tablespoon) with the butter, add a pich of salt and add 2 tablespoon of raw agave.

3. Pour into mould
With a big spoon, pour your liquid chocolates into your silicone mould.

4. Freeze for 25 minutes
I recommend keeping your chocolates in the freezer and take out a few minutes before serving.

5. Enjoy and share!
This is a creative way to have some guilt free pleasure and truly have your food as your medicine.

Vegan Raw Chocolates

Vegan Raw Chocolates

Health Benefits

  • Highest antioxidant food in the world
  • Promotes heart health and circulation
  • Highest natural source of Iron and Magnesium
  • Superhigh in protein and fiber
  • Full of ‘good’ fats
  • Opens the heart and connects us to the divine

Real Chocolate is a world renowed aphrodisiac for love and passion and it is associated with wonder and magic. It helps to open and connect with the heart and activate positive emotions like elevation and euphoria.

I believe that Cacao is one of the world’s greatest food, and its positive effects on our body, heart and mind are impressive without a doubt! Enjoy this wild treat every day,

and check out this video for more info!

Let’s make some Chocolates!

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Heart Medicine