
Who would you be without your emotions?

Imagine waking up one day without any emotions—no joy, no sadness, no fear. How would your life change? Your emotions shape your entire experience, influencing your relationships, decisions, and overall well-being. Embracing and expressing your emotions is crucial for maintaining mental and physical health…

Suppressing them, however, can lead to chronic issues and hinder your capacity to truly live. Understanding the true nature of your emotions and learning to express them healthily can transform your life, making way for a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you. My work with the Ayahuasca helped me greatly in my emotional healing and self empowerment. Dive into this article to explore why embracing your emotional nature is the key to a fulfilling, authentic life.

1. Your emotions greatly determine the quality of your life.

How are you feeling?

You are an emotional being. Feeling is a huge part of the human experience. Your emotional states determine the quality of your life. It doesn’t matter if you have money, fame and power if you feel depressed or anxious all the time. For many people it can be hard to even get in touch with their emotions. Psychedelic therapy and the use of certain sacred plants greatly support emotional healing and healthy emotional expression.

2. All emotions should be felt and expressed

Can suppressed emotions make you sick?

Emotions are energy in motion and they all meant to be felt and expressed. Each emotion has a purpose, for example grief is to express our sadness and loss, and anger is for self defense and maintaining healthy boundaries for safety and protection.

When you try to suppress an emotions, it’s like building a damn in a fast flowing river, and eventually that emotion will come out somehow, often in a toxic expression. For example if you try to suppress your anger you will eventually explode and lose control or become a passive aggressive person.

Emotions cannot be suppressed effectively long term. They will find a way to manifest and often contribute to chronic conditions and mental, emotional challenges. When you work with powerful psychedelics like Ayahuasca, emotional release is a big part of your healing process, as they help you to feel and process your emotions.

3. There are no positive or negative emotions

Are emotions bad for you?

Unfortunately we are told by the mainstream status quo that some emotions are good like joy and gratitude and therefore allowed to be felt and expressed, while other emotions like anger or sadness are bad and should be avoided and suppressed.

The truth is that emotions vibrate on a different frequency, so when you feel a high frequency emotion like joy you feel uplifted and good but when you feel a low frequency emotions like guilt and regret you feel weighed down and heavy.

There is no way to only feel high frequency emotions and not feel the heavy ones. But it is possible to shut down your capacity to feel completely. Is this something that you want?

Accepting your emotional nature is a big step toward emotional intelligence and healthy emotional expression and understanding that there are no negative emotions is a step in the right direction.

4. You can learn healthy emotional expression

Why embrace your emotions?

Emotions must and will be expressed in some way in the end, but you have a choice and you can decide how. You can express your emotions in a healthy and in an unhealthy, toxic way.

For example being passive aggressive is a toxic expression of anger. Or crying when you are sad is a healthy expression of sadness but holding your tears in over time can make you depressed.

Most of us learn dysfunctional emotional expression as we grow up but it’s never to late to learn about emotional intelligence, the power of your emotions, and healthy emotional expression. Plant medicine like Ayahuasca, used in a therapeutic container will help you to expand your awareness and have a deeper acceptance and understanding of your emotional nature and the powerful role emotions have in your overall health.

One thing is for sure, you will feel better and more empowered when you allow yourself to feel and embrace your emotions!

5. Love in not an emotion it is a state of being

Love is all you need?

I used to believe that love is the best emotions that you can feel. But my work with Ayahuasca helped me to see that emotions are always fleeting and change rapidly. I experienced that state of love that is more enduring and not dependent on external conditions.

The best way I can describe that state is a deep sense of presence and connectedness.

I believe that we all carry the seeds of love within ourselves. You have the power to nurture those seeds and experience a deeper connection with yourself and others. Psychedelic assisted therapy has the power and capacity to rapidly expand your awareness and help you to reconnect with that Love that is your essence.

With love, Nina Izel

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